Tritton Copper Operations

Tritton Copper Operations is a long-life copper mine located near the towns of Nyngan and Cobar in central New South Wales. Commencing production in 2005, Tritton is one hundred per cent owned and operated by Aeris Resources and forms the cornerstone of our copper production.

Key Information


Near the towns of Nyngan and Cobar in central New South Wales


Girilambone Basin



Mining Method:

Underground mining


Aeris Resources began operations at Tritton underground mine in 2005. Operations feature an underground mining complex that feeds 1.8 million tonne per annum through a conventional processing plant. Copper concentrate produced at the operation is railed to the Port of Newcastle for export to customers internationally.

Development and Exploration

The Tritton tenement package is highly prospective for base metals deposits, covering about 2,330km2 of the Girilambone Basin.

More than 750,000 tonnes of copper have been discovered on the Tritton tenement package since modern exploration commenced at the site in the 1980’s.

Recent exploration activities have included a wide ranging geophysical survey, that led to the discovery of the Constellation deposit.

Constellation has potential to become a major new production centre for Tritton and further exploration and technical studies are underway. Aeris is developing new ore sources to extend the mine life at Tritton and improve ore grades. The new Budgerygar and Avoca Tank mines will start production in 2023.


Tritton is a local, community-focused mining operation in central NSW, with 82% of employees and their families living in the local area. Employing from the local area is important to Aeris and as a major local employer, Tritton Copper Operations plays a key role in supporting the local population.

The land on which Tritton Copper Operations operates is recognised under a registered Native Title claim to the Ngemba/Ngiyampaa, Wangaaypuwan and Wayilwan people. Tritton Copper Operations upholds a cultural Heritage Management Plan to engage with Traditional Owners in protection of heritage across our operations. We regular communicate with Nyngan Local Aboriginal Land Council and Bogan Aboriginal Corporation through the Nyngan Community Consultative Committee.

Tritton Copper Operations is an active member of the local community, investing in education and career pathways for local residents and supporting a range of local organisations.


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You can learn more about Tritton Copper Operations by viewing our fact sheet here.